Bikash Gurung

Passionate Software Engineer

[email protected]
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Hi 👋, I am an experienced and highly motivated Senior Software Engineer with over 5+ years of industry experience, excelling in leading teams, developing robust REST APIs, and optimizing engineering processes. Proficient in Agile methodologies, Scrum practices, and effective cross-functional collaboration. A lifelong learner committed to continuous improvement and delivering high-quality software solutions.


  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • JPA (Hibernate)
  • Javascript
  • MySql
  • Redis
  • Maven
  • Linux
  • Git and Github
  • Postman
  • Docker
  • Basic understanding of Microservice
  • AWS Services like EC2, RDS, S3
  • Familiar with CI/CD using Jenkins

Work Experience:

Aug 2023 - Nov 2023

Sr. Software Engineer - II (WFH)

LIS Nepal

  • Developed RESTful APIs within a microservices architecture, utilizing Docker for containerization and Kafka for efficient event-driven communication.
  • Wrote unit and integration tests using JUnit5 and Mockito to ensure reliability and maintainability of APIs.
  • Utilized tools such as Kafdrop for Kafka monitoring, and Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Worked effectively within an Agile team practicing Scrum methodology
  • Collaborated with offshore teams across different time zones to deliver high-quality solutions.

Java Spring Boot JPA (Hibernate) MySQL Junit5 Mokito Kafka Postman

July 2019 - July 2023

Sr. Software Engineer | Software Engineer (Hybrid)

Machnet Technologies Inc.

  • Mentored a team of over 10 engineers across 6 live projects (Frontend/Backend/Mobile App), leading requirement gathering, task breakdown, estimation, and delegation processes.
  • Spearheaded improvements to engineering processes, including increased QA involvement from requirement gathering to release, enhanced requirement gathering with FRD preparation, and improved code review processes with PR templates and secure coding guidelines.
  • Planned and executed UAT and production releases, providing production support and resolving incident reports.
  • Designed, developed, and maintained REST APIs for Cross Border Payment Systems, implementing features such as schedule/recurring payments, SMS/email notifications, device detection and tracking, PDF invoice generation, reCAPTCHA, email localization, and API rate limiting.
  • Optimized webhook handling modules, reducing status sync time from 5 minutes to less than a second through architectural enhancements.

Java Spring Boot Spring Security Spring AOP JPA (Hibernate) MySQL Redis Tomcat Jenkins Postman EC2, RDS, S3

July 2018 - July 2019

Associate QA Engineer (On-Site)

Machnet Technologies Inc.

  • Planned, created, maintained, and executed test cases to ensure the quality of RaaS API-v1, facilitating seamless integration and remittance from the US and Canada to multiple countries with various payment and payout methods.
  • Conducted load testing using JMeter to assess system performance and scalability under simulated conditions.
  • Introduced automated testing using Selenium to enhance testing efficiency and accuracy, improving overall test coverage and reducing manual effort.

Java Selenium TestNG JMeter Postman

May 2018 - July 2018

QA Trainee (On-Site)

Leapfrog Technologies Inc.

  • Gained practical experience in quality assurance methodologies and tools necessary for QA engineering roles.